Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I know that many of you have see the news,
"3 Utar Students Drown at Waterfall"

When they swept away that day,
my housemates ever tell me...
and they ask me izzit my friends...

That day my housemates also went to waterfall,
but they went back around 2-3pm,
and that tragedy happen around 5++pm...

From newspaper,
I knew that 2 of them are couple,
they just start their relationship not longer,and now...
consider they seperated?

3 of them was degree students(my senior),
I don't even know them,
but I'm sad to heard that news...
1 of them have write blog habit,
from his blog can know that he is a outgoing & broad-minded person...
He like to travel~
His name is James Khor ...

Besides that,
I see another guy from the video,
He is Ghim Chnieh...
from the video,
I felt that he like to play sport,
and enjoy it so much~
Here the video...

Rest In Peace.....

as u all know,
Kampar happen many thing...
many tragedy happen~
*Friends, becareful!! must know how to take care yourself...

*Appreciate your life~
(Life is short)

*Appreciate people sourounding you~
(Especially your familys and your bf/gf)

*Enjoy as much as you can~

(Made your life meaningful)

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